2004 character, blank sheet & recustomizable. [Sold]

https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Kleapatera For sale.
No killrights, no clones, possitive wallet, located in highsecc.

Highest bidder wins… you know the drill.

For ingame contact, PM “Aeuron Asgard”

Highest bid 7B by [Blathmac Dal Fiatach]

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Contact me if there’s any questions.

Where’s all the other info? Kill rights location etc.?

Located in highsec in Hulm & there’s no killrights.
Character in questions also is recustomizable.

7 bil. isk.

Noted. I will end the auction at the 25th of march. As I do not have the money for the transfer until then.

Where’s all the relevent information that you are supposed to share from the bazaar rules??



2 days left of the auction.


Auction won by Blatmac Dal Fiatach. Awaiting payment.

In this case we have to go around the rules, cause I cannot logg onto the character without first beeing forced to use the character customization. Therefor I’d like the Deposit be made to character: Aeuron Asgard.

7 bil. ISK and account info was sent to Aeuron Asgard.

Character transfer innitiated and copy of receipt sent to buyer as confirmation.

E-mail about char transfer from CCP was received.

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