i can confirm that, hard connection problems today, connection losses, and times with heavy inputlag …
yeah had the same issue that day (south germany) started somewhere at evening… kicked me out of all accounts and didnt let me log in for quite a while… maybe 1 hour. turn on the vpn did fix it and next day all was stable again at me without vpn… after that no problems yet.
so i blame the the freezeing temperature of -15°C or temporaly bs at cloudflare nodes in my region. (only game effected was again just eve online, everything and every online game else did still work perfect)
but at least it wasnt again for month so i am fine
merry christmas and lag free days to all
and we’re back. 60-80% packet loss atm. aside from black screens and game not responding to anything, im not facing an “real” disconnect.
atm not even station trading is an option
Hi, have the same problem .
and it is the routing to CLOUDFLARE . edge6 . Duesseldorf1 . Level3 . net again:
tracert tranquility . servers . eveonline . com
Started: 15 . 02 . 2023 19:33:36,19
Routenverfolgung zu d638e439e07f413c97200d057e5ebd05 . pacloudflare . com [172 . 65 . 201 . 188]
über maximal 30 Hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms speedport . ip [192 . 168 . 1 . 1]
2 8 ms 9 ms 8 ms p3e9bf456 . dip0 . t-ipconnect . de [62 . 155 . 244 . 86]
3 22 ms 11 ms 11 ms d-ed5-i . D . DE . NET . DTAG . DE [217 . 0 . 192 . 6]
4 11 ms 17 ms 11 ms d-ed5-i . D . DE . NET . DTAG . DE [217 . 0 . 192 . 6]
5 11 ms 11 ms * 4 . 68 . 71 . 113
6 20 ms * 15 ms CLOUDFLARE . edge6 . Dusseldorf1 . Level3 . net [62 . 67 . 22 . 246]
7 * 17 ms * 172 . 65 . 201 . 188
8 15 ms 14 ms * 172 . 65 . 201 . 188
9 14 ms 13 ms * 172 . 65 . 201 . 188
10 13 ms 13 ms 13 ms 172 . 65 . 201 . 188
Ablaufverfolgung beendet .
Completed: 15 . 02 . 2023 19:34:05,41
I can’t stress enough that CCP didn’t do anything to fix the issues, except to complain repeatedly (and bitterly) to Deutsche Telekom for weeks, both directly and through our internal and external network partners and our carriers. Eventually Deutsche Telekom fixed the issue. If the issue is back then Deutsche Telekom has to fix it again. Please contact them, refer them to the previous incident, and ask that they look into the matter.
seems like the issue is back again, for at least a month know, from 16-21 eve time i can’t really play because of it.
Already talked to telekom and only got the answer its not on their side i should talk to you guys.
Routenverfolgung zu über maximal 30 Hops
1 * * * Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung.
2 4 ms 4 ms 4 ms *****
3 6 ms 5 ms 5 ms *****
4 5 ms 5 ms 5 ms
5 6 ms 5 ms 6 ms ae2.3602.edge3.ber1.neo.colt.net []
6 183 ms 184 ms *
7 29 ms 28 ms 28 ms
Ablaufverfolgung beendet.
any news on this issue ? i started playing after a years break, and now after a week of playing i suddenly get the “connection lost” error. It seems its only in the evening. During the day i never have any issues. Its mostly random , after 30 - 60 minutes always “connection lost”. Eve is the only game where i have this problem. I am also Telekom Customer and DNS is Cloudflare.
edit: looking in the windows event viewer, everytime when it happened it says “The WLAN auto-configuration has detected limited connectivity when attempting automatic recovery.” (Event ID 4003) so absolutely not sure whats going on. It seems my internet is for a sec capped and reconnects. Something that doesn’t cause any problems with other games or anything else because there, i dont get connection errors, but eve is somehow sensitive about it