Hi there,
We are a medium-sized, pvp-focused corp living out in Fountain as part of The inititaive. We’re looking to recruit pilots to join our grong corp - we are mainly EU timezone but with a growing US timezone presence and can offer a chilled group of people to hang out and shoot people with. If you are keen to Fc , both the Corp and alliance would be keen to support this - as a corp we will fund doctrine ships for corp ops you run and your alliance fleets would benefit from full SRP and the chance to try out your own spicy doctrines.
The Initiative is a tight-knit alliance that offers sov warfare in addition to having a range of smaller sig groups specialising in other kinds of pvp from micro to small gang pvp, wormhole operations and blops/covert combat. There are great opportunities to make money via moon mining, industry and ratting/amons as well as a generous ship replacement programme to keep you in the fight and addition to this the corp provides moons to mine to make money.
If you’re interested in joining, please take a look at our advert (🇺🇸 TEMPLAR High Activity Null Sec 0.0 Corporation - [INIT] - #42 by Tyleritus), drop me a message or pop into our Discord for a chat (TEMPLAR.)