I’m looking for a really good spot for a rorq mining. Doesi’nt matter if its wh or null sec all i want is to have a few guy’s to mine with and have a good time mining. i am EU TZ most active on weekdays around 20:00 - 00:00 IGT on weekends i can stay on as i want. Send mail ingame or post here Thanks!
Come check us out!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjqHCnwcZLE&t=11s
Come online please, I would like to have a chat with you.
Check us out we have capital support for rorqs in EU tz
Come and chat to RIOT:
The Riot Formation is currently recruiting!
We currently seek EU PVP Pilots!!
We are members of a sov holding alliance and seek EU and US pilots that share our vision of small gang destruction, social interaction and general space-based shenanigans.
The core of this fine corporation is ready to swell both our PvP and industrial pilot numbers. The leaders of RIOT are veterans of the game, we started in 2003/2004 so we know what we are doing, we are a mature corporation that avoids excessive drama, only accept adults into our ranks. Our play hours with the alliance are around the clock but we accept RL comes first. We run regular evening corp OPs and small gang roams.
Highlights include:-
- Members of Darkness, a nullsec sov alliance in the content rich north
- Comprehensive ship replacement programme (SRP)
- Entirely self sufficient - we mine, build, destroy, transport, fund and exist with no outside assistance.
- We share our alliance’s vision and do like dropping caps on people, we like big-ass fights
- Small gang specialists, we like small roams as well
- In-house development of doctrines and tactics, available for all to get involved with
- Low tru-sec and plenty of opportunities for indy pilots
- Drunken comms singing as standard
- Maybe some cake. Depends on the FC.
- Over 21’s policy, no kids or space-babies
- Partner/Family friendly playtimes - free wife-faction resistance plating for all members
- Teamspeak, sweet website, Discord, stuff
- Experienced leadership, directors having flown with major players for 14 years
- Token Australian
In return:
- Be sensibly active
- We are primarily a PvP corp, you must have the stones to fight
- Use our comms
- Turn up for stuff
- Practice your favourite song for the affor mentioned drunken comms singing
- Be able to read, listen and comprehend English
So if you fancy a bit of all that, you can come and see us in our in-game public channel, The Kings Head or you can speak direct to Altrexis Rin or Depopulo Denuo
We have our own in-game public chat channel called The Kings Head so please join us in there.
We are also right here on discord https://discord.gg/auTztw6 come speak to us right now if you like!
Look forward to talking to you soon!
Alt o7
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