3/17/22 - Singularity Updated - Rorqual Conduit Jump

These things have all been considerations.

Competing with PANIC as a defensive action

The conduit jump cannot be used while the the Indycore is active - this limits the chance that they just instantly blink a fleet out to safety and should allow for tackle / dictors to get into place in most cases. If players take to sitting non-indycore rorqs in belts as an extra means of escape, that too would be a risky move as there’s a potential to zone out and be too slow (and the risk of being caught by a blue scout is high). I think in this case we’re still happy to have the rorqs out in space and capable of being caught.

Battle Rorqual Drops

Given that rorquals are more vulnerable outside of asteroid belts and FAX aren’t able to follow them through it may simply be okay to open room up for this to be a possibility (they could have done it already with recons, this is just a cheaper cyno option). A group that becomes know for doing this frequently opens themselves up quite wide for a counter drop and is likely to lose a lot of Rorqs. Particularly at the current price of capitals, this seems like an okay balance.

As with anything we’ll monitor and adjust if any of these things prove to be too strong.