30-31/01/2020 - Connectivity Issues

Seems fine here after downtime. All chats working looks like. I noticed traceroute isn’t 30 hops now it’s only 8 and it ends at


Note that it’s not using the standard ip of

It’s now using

So they’re certainly working on it

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Not able to login - East coast of the US. First time im trying to play in a few months due to life… I have 5 accounts Omega…

Or should I say had

Ridiculous… get your ■■■■ together. We pay good money for this game and if you can’t provide a reliable product, you should be ashamed of yourselves as developers and IT professionals.


That seems to sort it, cheers. Just surprised to see that type of screen that i haven’t seen in about 4-5 years, prior to the Launcher days.

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cool beans

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Chicago, IL and am unable to connect.

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Tried this?


Is this issue still going on, and if it’s not i think they should reimburse people

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Why do they fix something that is not broken!!!

Can I haz your st00fz pl0x ty

As above

Same again

Kinda old ya know. You ought to come up with something fresh.

Maybe try to hit it with a hammer? “when in doubt power out?” ill just be forced to leave the bedroom empty my pee bottles and maybe also get curious about this place called outside? Anyone ever been there before?

:+1: yep

Eastern US, Chat now works, but connecting and staying connected are still a issue, 10/15 minutes before modules stop working, but at least it is a improvement. And at least I can get in for skills.

here is to the hamster in the cage turning the wheel, and the it/techs trying to sort this all out.

Edit: Spoke too soon, chat for me is borked again, I spoke too soon laughs

It really is the cleverest thing he has ever thought of. Don’t take that from him.


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Well it’s working in here in Asia alright still the login issue but chats are on so that is great I guess ccp did manage to make some stuff correct atleast

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Not working East Coast USA… STILL

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