This is probably the last time i will post looking for a corp as I have become rather tired of the lack of structure and direction that some players in this game have.
I can fly any Tech 1 subcap and some Tech 2 subcaps along with T3Ds
I can fly a Dread working towards either a fax or carrier haven’t decided yet
Only 1 account. No i will not buy an alt or start one for your “requirements” i will train what i need to on my main.
I am isk sufficient you wont be bailing me out although SRP is nice.
I do not consider black ops a regular source of pvp/content. I will not log in to sit in fleet waiting on nerds to “hunt” 1 ship down for a killmail its boring to me. I value the strategy of blops but it is annoying when overused.
I like brawling and dont mind dying as long as there is an objective or purpose. (would rather die than Blueball)
I would like to FC i do have some experience with subcaps and expect an opportunity to prove that
Nullsec or lowsec however like i said if there isnt an objective i wont join. “pew pew” isnt an objective, i want to ■■■■ up someones towers and citadels and force them to either fight back or leave.
Solid doctrines none of this ■■■■ fit outdated crap and if it is outdated let me update it if your too damn lazy.
Must have a freight service
Must use Discord and TS3/mumble no i wont use Slack or Jabber or any of that nonsense (i can create a discord if necessary
NO FW bs its too unorganized half the people in chat dont read chat
Pretty sure i covered everything but if you have any concerns feel free to Eve mail me.
If you post a reply or mail me and the requirements above are not met or negotiable i will just block you and your corp for wasting my time.