EDIT: I’ve found a corp through this thread, thank you all for expressing your desire to talk to me about joining!
Hey, all. I have played EVE on and off for many years but never got invested too deeply into it. I’m looking for a corp that could use a 32M SP pilot mostly invested in combat skills, but also a corp that doesn’t mind teaching a complete noob everything. I have forgotten everything I ever new about the game and a lot has changed since I last played, too.
I will mostly be available to play in the evenings on weekdays Eastern US time (-5 GMT) and my play on weekends varies wildly, sometimes a ton of weekend time, sometimes not so much. I’d like to find a corp that can make use of my combat specialization. I prefer to not trash my security rating if I can help it, at least for now.
Starseekers is a great place for newbros! The corporation was created by some, as a matter of fact
Many of our members are actually below the 30 mil SP line, although we do have some older players. We’ve accomplishsed a lot as a very young corp so far and established ourselves in WH space. Check us out!
You will lose your sec status if you choose a lowsec corp. Saying that, I’ll throw our hat in the ring, and think you should check out Dirt ‘n’ Glitter. Ad is below
Dirt ‘n’ Glitter is a PvP oriented corporation serving in the Caldari militia in faction warfare. We offer content and fleets to eager PvPers at any SP range.
What we offer
Strong US TZ presence
FCs that will actually remember your name
An environment not dominated by obsession with kb stats
Regular roams - typically brawly armor droneboat comps
Dank memes, which we share with all of new eden in local
Stratops with and against other local lowsec corporations
The good word of our goddess Kesha
Did I mention dank memes?
Slack with in excess of 200 pepe emotes
100% SRP for doctrine logi
50% SRP for doctrine DPS
What we’re looking for
Strong independent pilots (or corporations) looking for gudfights
Unwavering loyalty to Kesha
Join our pub channel dirtnglitter for more recruitment info or contact Mikal Vektor, Commander Sertan, Thov, or FallenDream09 in game.
Krypted Gaming is looking for quality, social pilots to join us on our space adventures. We are a community focused on quality over quantity, and look for pilots with great attitudes towards the game and fellow players. We live in the nullsec region of Deklein, and are proud members of SLYCE.
We aim to be,
Tight Knit (~40-50 actual humans)
Highly active (88.5% of our members are online daily)
Top Contributors in PvP & Industry (top 3 for monthly alliance fleet participation)
Knowledgable & Approachable (tons of guides on our website)
Whether you are a new player or veteran, we are looking for team players who want to contribute to a community. All of our members are active, decent human beings (except our corporate Grandpa, Helltrek) with lives outside of the game. Given that, we also have plenty of memes!
My corps a small but growing one in the Razor Alliance and we’re looking for pilots to come PVP and have some good home space to make Isk in.
We have a good structure and some dedicated pilots to teaching newer players the ropes and we’re all more than happy to answer any questions you might have.
Yamagata Syndicate want to expand our player base and gather a solid core of pilots to help bolster our place in Eve. We are a member of Darkness alliance based in Deklein.
YS is looking for people who will fit in to our corporation and form new friendships. We have a fairly relaxed and mature player base. We expect members to show respect to their fellow corporation and allied pilots, and have a general good attitude towards the eve community as a whole.
We offer:
★ Nullsec
★ Ship Replacement Program
★ Frequent PvP fleets
★ Blackops
★ Small fleet roams
★ Massive fleet battles
★ High end ratting and mining
★ Industrial support
★ A great community with experienced pilots willing to help
★ Maturity
★ Team player
★ Voice comms (Teamspeak)
Hey their, we are a nullsec based corp that is part of the core leadership of a coalition in the space we are in, we have various opportunities available.
Hey boss try looking at FUITA,. we are part of the Pen is Out allaince (gallente fed) up in black rise low sec. We got lots of content available, whether it’s solo, small gang, or large fleet fights we can provide it all. Self sufficiently is the name of the game. Feel free to hit me up in game or join the channel “fuita pub”. I look forward to hearing from you. Fly safe man!
In one hand, I offer you the opportunity to learn with some of the PvP pilots in the game (Former Alliance Tourney Players and Former FC’s from some of New Eden’s Largest Alliances) that would be willing to teach you and hone you to be a professional killer. Not exactly a common opportunity to learn from that type of talent.
However, in the other hand, we live in LowSec and you will totally trash your sec status.
We do offer even more benefits that you can read up here: