All of these items are for sale in Irmalin VIII
As you know, a lot of the stuff here is out of print
Please leave your price here, I will check it daily and send out contracts.
All of these items are for sale in Irmalin VIII
As you know, a lot of the stuff here is out of print
Please leave your price here, I will check it daily and send out contracts.
1 sanshas victory skin, 20 bil offer
To be honest, I want to see the sales first, if there are almost no buyers, then I will only consider selling a category as a package.
such as sanshas victory skin x 12
No problem. Thanks for the quick reply
Abufyr Joek’s and Homemade Sansha each 1b
Coalesced element 5b
I accept it.
Pls contract on : ArchyZavr
Contract has been paid
Thanks to you, I have become closer to the complete collection of heads!
How much for Sansha ship logs ? 1 of each ?
How much for that BPC there at the end?
What is the price for true salve head?
Sansha ship logs each 1b
Coalesced Element Blueprint 4b
True Slave Decryption Node each 1b
please contract it to me
The contract has been sent.
For clarity, lined out items have sold or are they not for sale?
These have all been sold,Most of them were bought by one person.