🦜 WTS 29.5m SP Focused Revelation Dread Pilot


WTS 29.5m SP Focused Revelation Dread Pilot

Character has a 0.62 positive security status and a positive wallet.
Character is in an NPC Corp. Character will be located in Jita 4-4 at time of transfer.

This character is a focused Revelation Dreadnought pilot with great support skills.
This character has 1 yearly remap and 2 bonus remaps available.

Notable Skills:
Jump Drive Calibration V
Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration V
Surgical Strike V
Trajectory Analysis V
Sharpshooter V
Rapid Firing V
Motion prediction V
Controlled Bursts V
Capital Energy Turret V
Cybernetics V
Long Range Targeting V
Signature Analysis V
Amarr Dreadnought IV (training to V)
Capital Pulse Laser Specialization IV
Capital Beam Laser Specialization IV

Bidding starts at 30b. B/O when im satisfied with a number.

25b offer

30 Bil

Bump for interest.

Bumping. Lets get some bids.

31 b ok

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Thanks for your bid. Im going to leave this auction up for a bit longer. Bump for more bids.

@Wayne_Nashville I accept. Please send isk and account information to this character.

@Wayne_Nashville do you still want the character?

31B To me

1 Like

I have an offer for 34b in game. If you can top that, the character is yours. @hanmeimeiBB

Sorry, I only have so much money.

34b isk/info sent

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Isk and account info received. Transfer initiated.


We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Kalthax

Will be completed after: 4/2/2019 6:27:43 AM

If you did not initiate this character transfer, please file a ticket to Customer Support.

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