40M SP USTZ returning pilot looking for home

Back after almost 10 years of random life changes.
I would prefer a group somewhere in Amarr space, but willing to move for the right group.
I like mining, missions, a little pvp with the right people.

I like blue comedy and austrian economics.


I would like to invite you to our little corner of New Eden. If you would like to now more about us please check out ore website. I look forward to speaking with you.

your friend
Capt Nathan James

Come check out Obsidian. Part of a Small alliance operating in Caldari high/low. Participating in FW for pvp. Having a good time with it.

hey buddy

we are looking for players like you to help whit building up what we currently have
plz take a look ad our add to see if you and we are a good fit

We are a Nullsec industrial corp based in Querious/Catch under the Dracarys Alliance.


  • Daily R64 Moons
  • Plenty of Anomalies for Ratting/Exploration
  • Daily fleets during CNTZ/EUTZ/USTZ
  • Jump Freight Service direct from Jita.


  • 10mil SP minimum + Good History
  • Participate in 3 Fleets a month (Roams, OPs, CTAs)
  • Discord + Microphone

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