65M Light Indy / Carrier + 79M Armor / Gunner Specialist / Carrier LFC

Looking for a corp where casual > drama, PVP > sitting around and general fun in 0.0 is the order of the day. I can’t contribute huge amounts of time anymore during the week, but when I am on I’m all about whatever the corp needs or wants done.

Solid fundamentals on both ‘main’ characters and both are cap pilots with their respective carrier flavors, nav skills etc at 5. I can rat to help make corp isk (and me, of course) or I can jump into battle with them; whatever works for me.

Oh - and 9 years into the game I’ve probably been a member somewhere that you don’t like or shoot on a routine basis. I’ve shot at everyone at some point or other. So much content :slight_smile:

Best contact is in-game mail but I’ll watch here on forums as well. See you out there.

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Krypted Gaming is looking for quality, social pilots to join us on our space adventures. We are a community focused on quality over quantity, and look for pilots with great attitudes towards the game and fellow players. We live in the nullsec region of Deklein, and are proud members of SLYCE.

We aim to be,

  • Tight Knit (~40-50 actual humans)
  • Highly active (88.5% of our members are online daily)
  • Top Contributors in PvP & Industry (top 3 for monthly alliance fleet participation)
  • Knowledgable & Approachable (tons of guides on our website)

Whether you are a new player or veteran, we are looking for team players who want to contribute to a community. All of our members are active, decent human beings (except our corporate Grandpa, Helltrek) with lives outside of the game. Given that, we also have plenty of memes!

Monthly Krypted Updates
Fleet Commander Logs
EVE Online Guides

Come chat with us in our Discord!

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New Jovian Exploration Department

In-Game Public Channel: NJED Bar and Lounge

Out-of-Game Public Channel: Discord #njed-public

NJED has been residing in j-space for over 2 years, and as a part of the A Band Apart. alliance, we form the core wormhole operations group. We are a medium-sized PvP corp and expect all our members to be able and willing to put up a fight. We don’t want to deny fair content to anyone, and thus we look for the same in return. NJED only exists as a framework for our members to make something out of it. Everyone is encouraged and supported to try something new, organize an event, become a leader for others.

Our Corp Provides

• Third-party Tools (Discord, Tripwire, Fleet-up, Wiki)

• Citadel Infrastucture

• Full P4 PI Capabilities

• Hull Replacement Program (Limited SRP)

Our Members Provide

• Content creation and consumption - Our scouts and content creators are the lifeblood of the corp. They receive full priority on loot from content found by them.

• A relaxed atmosphere - RL always comes first and we have no strict activity demands from our members. We do ask that prolonged absence is discussed beforehand.

• Experience - We have a lot of knowledge packed into the long-time members of the corp we’re eager to share. If you are new to wormholes or haven’t logged in since melted nanoribbons were 8 million ISK, we’ll get you on your feet and running.

• Geographic diversity - While the majority of our members are from the US, we have presence in AU and EU timezones as well.

Our Requirements For Application

• Full API

• We have recently relaxed our recruitment restrictions. Alphas and low SP are encouraged to apply, we will review to see if you’re a good fit for us.

• Alphas will need to be ready to specialize, especially with the new Alpha clone changes. We will provide useful skill paths to assist.

Feel free to contact us here, in our public chat, or one of our recruiters: Bluedagger, Artennius Lee, Irie Igunen

Thanks for your time.

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Aideron Robotics is looking for mature, respectful pilots to join us on our journey through space. We are a community focused on maximizing our player’s engagement with EVE, and we look for pilots with great attitude toward both the game and especially other capsuleers. We live in the lowsec region of Essense as well as the nullsec region of Cloud Ring, and we are proud members of Federation Uprising, the largest Faction Warfare alliance in the entire game.

If you want to learn more feel free to join our discord and chat with us! http://bit.ly/FEDUPDiscord1


Hey there,

Dude, Come chat with us @: Wormageddon

We live in Null with a sweet setup, PvE/PvP out da azz. If you come by around 9pm EST you can chat with a few of us and get a feel for the membership.

If you looking to have fun while playing eve, I promise you-you won’t regret checking us out.

-Xeno Dragoon

Mate you’d be a great fit as we’ve just moved into nullsec and don’t mind throwing carriers at all the things. Systems upgrades available and lots of content nearby if you want it.

Hop into ur public channel ‘Coalition of Carebears’ where you will also find ur Discord details, from which we springboard a lot of our information, ops and general chatter.

Hope to see you soon,

Hard to tell if you want 0.0 or not 0.0 but if you are interested in low sec, you will find more PvP than you could dream of in our pocket. Come see what Panic Stations has to offer. Mail me directly in game @SkyHawk5 or read more with the links below.

Recruitment Post

Promo page


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