-70m- WTS Characters, Caldari Subcap + Mining + Focused + Clean

Sales were all success, thank you! May close thread.

daily bump

daily bump

39B B/O on Tyr4nt and Daemia

Sold, send isk and eve mail to Tyr4nt and Daemia and I will start the transfer.

39 B/O for Sk0rch

Sold, send isk and eve mail to Sk0rch and I will start the transfer.

isks and accaunt info sent

ISKs and account names sent.

Sk0rch sent, please check your email for ccp confirmation.

Tyr4nt and Daemia sent, please check your email for ccp confirmation.

39 B/O for An4rki .
I’ll ingame and send isk about 20h leater.

Sold, send isk and eve mail to 1nterstella and I will start the transfer.

Confirming Sale.

Confirming Sale.

Confirming Sale.

1nterstella sent, please check your email for ccp confirmation.


If he doesn’t respond I’ll give 40.

Sold, send isk and eve mail to An4rki and I will start the transfer.