Its was 17 years ago… now game owned by Pearl Abbys… and true sand box game and let players thrive doesnt give them enough profit to satify their investors and shareholders… now they are in never ending money hunger … and they have to turn this game into theme park and provide different entertaintments for their customers in turn to somehow milk the cow till the last possible point…
I had seen several pots in those forums … that some players says very confidently you shouldnt make long term plans … in a game like eve to progress any descent caharcter for niche purpose takes years and jack of all trades characters nearly never achieve anything on optimal lvl properely in short term … ( without skill injectors which CCP introduced to this game )
So its ver clear that people esp new players doesnt have celar insight and understanding and they dont have any chance to compare eve online 10-12-15 years before after kind … so they born into what it present to them and take it as current reality of course…
so sthere is serious perspective and apperception differences between players
CCP doesnt have to decide if tjis game is sandbox or not… its not sanbox game anymore… its open word game with some sandbox specialities… out of that ,… its just a THEME PARK . And CCP doesnt bother to break up and sacrifice some player made organic content … for contruct their themepark components … as CCp Falcon told to my face in fan fest with exact words “ we dont give ■■■■ on that “ and wouldnt mind to …