8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Its was 17 years ago… now game owned by Pearl Abbys… and true sand box game and let players thrive doesnt give them enough profit to satify their investors and shareholders… now they are in never ending money hunger … and they have to turn this game into theme park and provide different entertaintments for their customers in turn to somehow milk the cow till the last possible point…

I had seen several pots in those forums … that some players says very confidently you shouldnt make long term plans … in a game like eve to progress any descent caharcter for niche purpose takes years and jack of all trades characters nearly never achieve anything on optimal lvl properely in short term … ( without skill injectors which CCP introduced to this game )

So its ver clear that people esp new players doesnt have celar insight and understanding and they dont have any chance to compare eve online 10-12-15 years before after kind … so they born into what it present to them and take it as current reality of course…
so sthere is serious perspective and apperception differences between players

CCP doesnt have to decide if tjis game is sandbox or not… its not sanbox game anymore… its open word game with some sandbox specialities… out of that ,… its just a THEME PARK . And CCP doesnt bother to break up and sacrifice some player made organic content … for contruct their themepark components … as CCp Falcon told to my face in fan fest with exact words “ we dont give ■■■■ on that “ and wouldnt mind to …

I understand that its a brand of PA and CCP Rattati is just the front man for the con to milk the gamer out of real life money. Tens of millions of folks out of work from the pandemic and CCP Rattati and company want to milk you dry. Family and friends dying around us and CCP/PA are brutality stomping on it subscribers for everything they got. If guys like CCP Rattati are willing to sink that low during a pandemic, I would not be shock to find out that the bots are really working for CCP/PA.

Bots are very common in black desert online esp in western servers. Search internet black desert online bots. And pay to play …suprise suprisee

About these rules… i cant wrap my head around guys.someone explain to me :
I had been one of these vets who sit at rookie help and answer endless same questions last couple of years under different names: only last year i had used nearly 200 bil for traning and orienting new pilots with no return …
I had banned from Rookie Help Channel. Because of i have warned a player who is sitting at rookie help channel chit chatting and spread some honey to rookies mouths tell the things they want to hear… like they dont need to wory about get killed while mining no need to be tanky or encourage 2 days old pure new player to get into astero he had been grinding seo and stuff to make 55 mil so he can buy astero telling him how to buy from market… when i mentioned those things straight clean and thrutfully … these priciples,rookies didnt like it … they like the other guys sweet talks ( considering his patterns possible CODE since encourage new pilots for blinkies and buy plex is only way to make that kind of isk in very early stage of tjis game )
What happen is … rookies went toxic on me alianise me… ISD land on cahnnel and im banned without even looking at whats goin on …

I mean … i see straight 2 faced hypocricy there … i think its far more profitable if player will quit game at least sink some isk before they even learn the game and quit … and thats most new players does… they quit… else we shouldnt have retention problem right ? Right … but making money over a problem seems like making lemonade from lemons ,… great job …

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CCP creates a false problem with bots, some gamer react, CCP has a plan called ore redistribution. Its sold as a game saver when in fact its meant to milk you out of your hard earned money. Problem, reaction, solution… its one of the oldest strategy in the books for manipulating people.

I think better you moove the subject under the ecosystem title …we had been talkin about these last 2 days there… not here … and you dont need to convince me i did know whats goin on and whats coming since CCP and PA begin to talk… investment world is not as big as people think…

just relised i had been multi answering 2 different subjects and this one was about the golden rules for new pilots … and i had also drop my insight and experience about these 8 rules and my experience about what happened …

I actually thought this was the eco post and just figured out it wasn’t. That mods can move it there but they like to delete a lot of mt post.

I love this rule. Most of the complaints I have seen in carious threads can be countered with this statement. :+1:

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If you read most of cries and tears in forums… you will see clearly they are all written by pilots who doesnt understand and digest these rules !

The MODS stick up for the gankers by locking every post that talks about added risk for the criminal career path. Is that a golden rule or an unwritten rule?

More likely people sharing similar views to yours essentially vandalizing threads by…saying…silly things get some locked.

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You think a MOD would be smart enough to figure that out, right?

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Mods over here are quite liberal. In most cases the problem is neither the topic nor their point of view, but language and behavior.
Civilized discussions are not deleted, but sometimes relocated to the right part of the forum if they are in the wrong section. But as we can see, civilized discussions or the mere answer to a question are not always intended, and then Mods have to tidy up.

That explains the censorship and playing favorites.


I’m a new player (as in I have 0.0000000000001 experience) in games. But even I know it will happen when I finish the Career Agents missions. EVE is PvP. But I hope, for my sanity, at least, that I will be able to tough it out :smiley: I have started playing…oh, 3 days ago?.. and so far, besides waiting an inordinate amount of time to have my skills, I love it. I won’t be able to play it as I should (RL interferes) but the time I will dedicate to the game will be time well spent :smiley:
I WILL loose a ton of money, I WILL loose ships, I WILL loose life…but I think it will be worth it.
To all of us, newbies and veterans, let’s have good time playing :smiley:


I hope you will be able to enjoy yourself in a game whose developer does everything for PvPers, and nothing for carebears. I didn’t, and left.

You’ll be invited to fleets who say want to show you their lowsec base or “let’s do a wormhole site together”. They will destroy your ship as soon as you join; CCP likes this and won’t fix fleet mechanics.

You’ll be doing a “fetch the item” quest, and some guy will rush in and steal your mission loot. Having to cancel the mission will cost you standings; CCP likes this mechanic and refuses to fix it, saying “fight back or flee”. (The thief and his friends are just waiting for you to attack so they can get killrights.)

You’ll be doing any quest at all, and some guy will come in, trying to get you to shoot them. If you don’t, they will log in an alt, asking you to “help me kill that guy”. They are simply scammers trying to get kill rights.

Some corporations recruit new players, ask them to drop all their belongings off at a station so they can move the stuff to nullsec for you. They’ll take your stuff … then won’t let you join.

You thought assholes in WoW creating a campfire on top of your dead body and killing you until you give up and log out was bad? You ain’t seen nothing yet.

So … DO NOT get a nice ship, like a faction reward, because scammers and murderers especially like killing those. DO NOT trust anyone you just met. DO NOT forget to align to a station when mining and, if you see a frigate pop up and disappear, dock immediately (he’ll jump in his friends with bombs in a minute).

Again, if you think you can find this atmosphere enjoyable, good luck among all the thieves, scammers and arseholes. My subscription ended today (and no, I did not lose a ship or all my belongings to the above scams. I just don’t feel like playing a game that rewards criminal behavior.)

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So, the standard reaction is: Can I have your stuff? :japanese_goblin:

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From what I understand this post is just mad cause bad…