If owning large amounts of sov is not a deal breaker for you, come check us out in Naliao Inc, a Black Legion corp. Black Legion is a large and successful nomadic PvP alliance.
We don’t have the elitist “tryhard” attitude, but doing more than just pushing F1 in a blob and winning fights is what’s fun for us. You’ll find decently sized fleets (80 to 120 people on average) every day, including cap fights (without the tidi!). The only drama you’ll find here is making progodlegend mad on his stream.
We expect our pilots to be competent and learn from mistakes, but we don’t expect everyone to be a wizard at this game. Our killboards are green because we’re good at the content we get, not because we worry about them.
We have isk making opportunities including alt corps with sov for industry and ratting. We don’t track the hours you put into the game or demand any kind of tax income from you, only that you be active and play spaceships with us. Real life comes first as always and nobody will ever be chewed out or punished for life happening. We’re here for fun and dank frags, and we’re very good at both
Come hang out on our discord if you’d like to know more