91 mil SP pilot looking for corp

Prefer mining/industry/PVE

Never been big into PvP, not saying I wouldn’t do the occasional roam, but not my main focus.

Prefer High Sec but can venture in Low Sec. Not interested in Null or Wormholes.

Older player “IRL” so not looking for drama in the game, a corp where I’m not the only older player would be nice.

Have wife, kids and a job so during the week gametime is mainly in the evening, weekends definitely have more time.

Can be on comms but not the biggest chatter, but “talkative” in the chats.

Mountain Timezone so looking for corp with good USTZ numbers.

If any of this interests you, let me know, maybe we’re a good fit for one another.


Come try us at The Order of Omerta. We’re a tight knit older group (lots in our 40s, but anywhere from 30-60yrs) that’s into fw, pve, pvp, indy and allergic to drama. We like to do things as a group and succeed as a team.
If you’re interested in knowing more stop by and chat The Order of Omerta


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hey tommy
we are looking for player like you

plz take a look add our add and if you like what you see then join our discord

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Hi Tommy,
Your playstyle would suit our corp. Check out info in our thread here - 👾 High Sec Mining Corporation - Seeking Miners and Industry Pilots - Spice Mining Defenders Corporation


Hey brother,

My name is Lee and I am the head of recruitment for not only Apollo. But, for our alliance as well. We do a ton of industry and mining. Come on down and give us a look we have a lot of veteran players. We are based in the Providence region in nullsec.

Look forward to chatting with you soon.

Boondocks Industrial: Bringing Business to the Boondocks!!

Our business plan is to Encourage and Inspire Business Opportunities in the many systems that lie at the end of the gravel roads of New Eden. Far from the noise and traffic of the Trade hubs. Where you wave at your neighbors as you pass, sit on your front porch, drink your coffee, read your paper and enjoy the fresh air. All without having to worry about 'bots mining your ore, or gankers knocking on your doors.

Boondocks Industrial is now hiring. We are looking for Mature Entrepreneurs with a background in Trade, Mining and Industry. Creativity, Inventiveness and the ability to think outside of the box. You must be willing to live and work in NPC Null. No experience necessary, we will train the right candidates. PvP experience is a plus, but not required. We will train you if you are interested. You will be required to participate in Alliance and Coalition fleets. We will train you. This is a great opportunity to live and work in a relative stable area of Null-Sec space without the SOV politics. Plenty of business opportunities for the cleaver thinker. For more information contact Umathyor Chelien or Abraham Solis. Or drop into I-BLU Public and ask for Uncle Uma. Bring your own calculator and coffee cup. We Love SpreadSheets!

We are a Nullsec industrial corp based in Querious/Catch under the Dracarys Alliance.


  • Daily R64 Moons
  • Plenty of Anomalies for Ratting/Exploration
  • Daily fleets during CNTZ/EUTZ/USTZ
  • Jump Freight Service direct from Jita.


  • 10mil SP minimum + Good History
  • Participate in 3 Fleets a month (Roams, OPs, CTAs)
  • Discord + Microphone

What we require:

  • Prefered 5mil sp (if your close we can still talk)
  • Ability to participate and follow orders in combat no paps
  • Discord/comms

What we offer:

  • Null non-bloc life
  • SOV in Omist region
  • Relaxed atmosphere
  • Corp held ops
  • Knowledgeable vets
  • Expansive bpo library to build off copies
  • PvP small gang
  • IRL fitst

Now additional offerings

  • Moon, Ice, ore mining
  • PI, null or wspace access
  • Combat anoms

Join IIAR Pub to chat or mail one of the recruiters.
Join Discord

Looking to merge with other small Indy corps or individuals!

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