So this great guy has only combat skills. and a great killboard record.
Has 2 crystal implants 1 slave implant set. and a few other nice jump clones.
He can fly most ships at max skils. You really arent limited to what you want to fly. short of injecting a titan skills book…
Flys every races of all sizes. and most capitals.
not to mention his expensive clothes and skins
no kill rights
positive wallet
location in empire. i can deliver him where you want
1 remap available.
all implants listed in link. and all clones in empire aswell.
npc corp. obviously
1. Wallet balance.
You must disclose whether the character being sold has a negative balance in its wallet and the amount. As the ISK received for the character sale is transferred directly to the character for sale, that character gets in virtually all cases a positive ISK balance. It’s up to the seller to remove only so much ISK as that the character is still in the plus prior to transfer.
2. Kill rights
You must disclose if there are kill rights on the character for sale. Kill rights you possess on other characters are to be treated as assets and not included in the character listing.
3. Jump clones
The seller must disclose whether jump clones are located in 0.0, lowsec or highsec space and may for example not claim the character for sale character is able to fly ship X or Y when that is clearly not the case.
4. Character location.
The location of the character must be disclosed and whether it is in high security, low security, null sec or wormhole space. You must also state if the character is in space or in a station.
Just update with that stuff and you should be good to go.