A Major Issue That Needs Attention

Problem is the quality and type of attention one gets, today because of the anonymity of the net rejects that never got picked for anything now roam the net spreading low quality thoughtless content, anyone can get a rise out of people even a mentally ill person who smears things on walls, doesn’t make them picasso.


Using attack vessels, especially in number, to blow up a mining ship which is clearly unable to defend itself is NOT combat. Its a slaughter. You may as well call kicking someone who fell to the ground with stomach cramps “a fight”. Sad to say there are people who get off on both situations and they thrive here. Its not all players, but they do seem to be at the core the deeper into the onion you go.

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gee, take his quote out of context why don’t ya?

I don’t participate in PVP aspect, but as a whole, i do appreciate about the concept behind what EVE is.

No thanks. What he said seems to me to be within the context of the thread and my post which he replied to.

Its murky, and so I understand why we see different things regarding what EVE is. In my opinion, you view is more obscured than mine. Your context quip backs up my view that you have limited vision on these deep matters.

Mining fleets can be really scary if properly set up. Have you tried using ‘attack vessels’ versus a fleet of Procurers, Porpoises, T3 destroyers and logi on field? Even without those last two categories, the drones will slaughter agressors if there are enough miners.

If the mining ship is not able to defend itself in an area where it is likely to be attacked, and did not warp off on time, that player made a wrong choice.


my eyes are wide open into what eve is

Seems damned unlikely since all you do is critique my opinion of what it is while offering nothing original of your own.

It really needs to be appreciated how deep you have dug for the rare scenario where someone or some group has attacked miners blindly and lost bigly…rather than just admit that yes, attacking miners mining with combat vessels does not count as “combat” the clear and overwhelming majority of the time.

For Pete’s sake, trolling might be the number one reason these talks go nowhere, but excessive pride might be number two.

“Wrong choice”? I have to disagree with that framing as it blames the victim. I would say they failed to account for something, and that something was first and foremost the determination of a griefer to get their jollies shooting a duck in a barrel.

And btw, 0.9 space is hardly a place we can call “likely to be attacked”. Its possible though, and those odds do go up when griefers see you live streaming there.

Maybe a rare scenario for you, but it’s the kind of targets I would like to attack. Well, preferably we kill the slow and weak in the herd, the ones that forget to warp off when the rest of the group does. But when these miners bring the right defences it gets really really hard to kill them if they make no mistakes.

All I wanted to say is that it’s wrong to call miners defenseless in general just because some miners make wrong choices.


Streamers are the issue for themselves. They choose to put out Intel about themselves. This is done willingly no one is holding a gun to their head. Then complain when someone uses that Intel. That is all the streamers problem and perfectly preventable in many ways. If they don’t want Intel used then don’t put out the Intel.


Indeed, this is the same as someone griping about a player tracking them down based on posts to anywhere, in or out of game, about their location/activities:
Public chat channels
Corp/Alliance chat channels
Private chat channels
These forums

Basically anywhere the player chooses to reveal their location, what they are doing, or when they are online is a risk they are taking to then get attacked. The player has 100% control over revealing this data, and can absolutely obscure it with a little effort on their part so that the hunters have to use in-game features (like Locator agents) to track them down for content.


Why don’t their viewers do a protection fleet that gangs the gankers?
Just park 5 thrashers right next to the streamer and as soon as someone red boxes they get removed from the field.

As a viewer of a stream:
Why would you watch someone mine in EVE, the most boring minigame in all of gaming, even if you are the one pressing the buttons, if not for the exact reason that they might get stream sniped.

As a streamer:
Your video will probably go viral, enjoy the upgrade from a random pleb to someone some people actually heard of.

As a stream sniper:
It’s probably the most hilarious thing in gaming ever, to gank a streamer and then watch on the stream the chaos unfold you just caused.

CCP better let this happen. Policing stream sniping would just be another weird exception that goes against the core of what this game is. You can always stream Hello Kitty Online if you don’t like explosions.


:rofl: That’s something I would aspire to!

I actually wonder sometimes why people watch any stream. I always thought it was odd that people would like watching other people playing games. No matter what game or activity it is in the game on stream. Boooring. The only use of a stream is to snipe the streamer.

Yeah, I kinda share that view of game streaming. But it seems to be pretty popular with some people.

I like watching speedrunners stream as they go for world records. Is my whole attention on the stream the entire time? Usually no - but when it is, I can interact with the streamer via the stream chat, and with other viewers, and it becomes a bit like watching a sporting event: you are there together cheering (or jeering) the player as they work toward a goal. Since I don’t care much for sports, but enjoy video games, it’s a great substitute for that same kind of social interaction with a topic I like.

I don’t watch people stream EVE or CounterStrike or other PvP games - again, not into ‘sports’ so much - I would rather watch players pit themselves against the environment in a Metroidvania style game like Hollow Knight, Ori, etc.

the few streams i “watch” is not so much about the content, but the community of ppl to engage with.

I never understood watching other people play a game before, but now I do.

Being engaged with a group of people who all enjoy the same thing, chatting, learning and sharing info and experiences. The streamer is simply somebody to gather round.


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