A Major Issue That Needs Attention

As one of the top EVE streamers (w/fellow CSM members Merkelchen and Innominate) I’m well aware of stream sniping - happens to us a lot. It’s safe to say that EVE is the kind of game that invites stream sniping, largely because intel is so important to getting fights.

The reality is that stream sniping is exactly the kind of thing that streamers should be happy to see - it drives traffic and if you play it right it will get you viewers. It’s definitely not something that I think needs to be policed more - it’s part of EVE and losing a ship is an important thing that folks need to get used to because it’s inevitable.

I appreciate the desire to help newbros, but the best thing folks can do to help a newbro streamer who gets ganked is to donate ships or isk to them and help get them back out and doing what they want to do.


Stream sniping an eve online player using TWITCH is not against the rules , AND Twitch puts eve online stream sniping Beyond its TOS , the twitch TOS about stream sniping Does Not take eve online into account.

Every streamer that streams eve knows that being sniped is a thing ( yep i been sniped myself ) some will take action ie blur certain parts of the screen , place images/webcams at stratigic places on the screen to cover things they dont want seen.

1 : flying a 4 billion isk maruder is gonna get you bulleye marked for ganking .

  1. flying a retriver - hulk / mackinaw or likes is gonna get you ganked , procurer or a skiff not so much as they can Tank a good amount of damage so tend to be left alone unless its blingy fit , or the gankers dont care about making isk from loot drops .

  2. even haulers are not safe they to get ganked .

As brisc says all we streamers can do is give advice BUT sometimes that advice just aint taken by some people , but what can we do Bow down pray to the almighty Hilmar and ask him to censorship the whole game , then what , everyone will leave becasue eve online is a brutal cuthroat game its been like this from the very start, and most if not all plyers have learnt to survice, dog eat dog world .

same as Brisc i have been playing eve for well over fourteen years , and streaming for well over three years, the more you stream/play eve the more you become clued up , Or you just dont care and do not blur out your overview. As a Streamer you have to take into account yes you could become a target and yes it will happen , thats eve thats being an eve streramer .

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Alright, if this is how everyone likes it that is fine with me.

I just thought setting a goal of harassing a player until they have to create a new character and never stream again is a little over the top, but if that is the way that it is for streamers. All the more respect to you guys it’s like setting the game on hardcore.

I am all about learning in this game. I am open minded enough to keep learning. For me it went a little far, but it just mean I have the right not to participate in the behavior I guess.

I am not trying to change the game here. I saw something that I wanted to bring attention too however if that is how the community wants it that is how they want it.

It has nothing to do with harassment.

CCP has rules on harassment, and stream sniping isn’t one of them.

It has nothing to do with what the community wants. The choice is with the streamer.

If you broadcast what you are flying, where you are and market yourself as a streamer new to EVE you are providing information that you do not need to provide. That introduces risk. By choosing to stream that information the player by his own actions is consenting to having that information used against him. It’s not a difficult concept.

When i go on holiday I don’t leave my front door unlocked and announce on social media that the property is going to be empty for a week.

As mentioned by several people so far if someone wants to stream precautions can be taken to reduce this risk. Putting images over location, blurring overview. Again not a difficult concept.

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Giving up is a total personal decision likely coming from lack of knowledge. My point is, once you know how EvE works, and this is just a means of learning and trying, it’s easy and fun to “make the rules” and not let others make it. It may not seem that way as a newbie but EvE is very well balanced.

Means, if you lose it’s 99% because you lack situational awareness. There are in principal two ways how to deal with this, being super vigilant about your surrounding or flying cheap and yolo don’t care. With knowledge comes the necessary correct risk assessment. Hence start cheap and be vigilant until you understand what’s going on.


Well thanks for everyone explaining this topic to me. Now I know and knowing is half the battle.

stagger the stream…

30 minutes to 90 minutes,

Making yourself known in any way, shape, manor or form outside the game will instantly make you a target. Just ask @Brisc_Rubal .

You would have to give a longer delay than that not to be scouted out.

Big brain play is to record a 40 minute loop of you mining in a system. And then replay that loop on your stream over and over again, like how they hack camera systems in heist movies by playing footage of an empty hallway in a loop so security guards can’t tell the difference.


I hope you learned the number one lesson here and that is that posting here is a waste of your time unless you 1) enjoy griefing and slamming others or 2) enjoy getting greifed and slammed. Only third option is to try and help people avoid future abuse and BS.

The entire game is founded on grief, and run by people who either get off on it one way or another or are seriously asleep and still can’t see it.

What you have identified was indirectly intended. People will sign up and do things that will get them grief, and the griefers will run to it like its a barbeque.

I wish I could say this level of griefing was killing the game as more and more people wake up to what this game is actually about, but unfortunately a sucker was born every minute. There may be a shortage of suckers compared to previous years, but the flow the is stable.

So anyway, yeah, you cannot even expect a decent apology for a mistaken lambasting from a CSM. Sums it up right there.

But yeah, if you want more, can’t even mine in 0.9 space without getting ganked. High security space? Its a complete con from people looking to sign up people to abuse. The only thing that makes them better than military recruiters is that this is a video game.


Hey, welcome back!!!

Edit; Again.

Edit 2; Now I have 2 ppl to like. I got that tag in the bag now!

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oh look, the biggest troll on the forums…

Don’t knock him, lol. Between him and Hug, I get that tag! :rofl:

That didn’t take long.

The above is clear proof of an attempt to grief. Even if it didn’t work, it does not matter. He IMAGINES it worked and probably had a happy end in his pants after hitting enter.


@Assaulten_Battery I agree 100% with you and with what @Renly_Rohan posted here.

In my 13 years of playing this game and posting on the forums, I’ve watched the conduct and mentality of those posting in these forums steadily go downhill. There’s a reason why this game, it’s forums and it’s community is constantly referred to as toxic. That reason is clearly demonstrated by various posters in this thread.

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GI Joe

Had to make the reference complete. Just had to.



EVE is a competitive Player versus Player game. What did you expect? That people wouldn’t kill eachother?

One can mostly avoid getting killed by taking basic precautions, and one can choose not to attack other players, but they still enjoy being in a game where player versus player combat is possible everywhere, for one reason or another. And if they don’t enjoy it, why are they here?

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Honestly people should delay and not live stream, however it is also the “social” aspect that comes with live streaming and these streams snipers are nothing more than pests, they have nothing to offer anyone so they do what people with nothing going on do, destroy something.

Will useless people ever go away, no, others already pointed out how to deal with them, of course CCP can’t do anything because even bad news is good news for them, free advertising.


Know what’s ironic? Attention seekers complain about getting attention. Lol.