Ganking awareness

Hello, it seems like CCP is not going to add modules that can protect against ganking but i wonder if it will be a good idea with a tutorial in the NPE that shows a video of a few ganks and gives a few suggestions for how to avoid it. Like for example not flying with a fit or cargo worth more than 100M in high sec, or if hauling, sub with a second account that can scout, or just uninstall the game.

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There are no modules to protect against ganking, because that’s what corporations are for.


Modules would be better

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Like the forum really, desperately, needed yet another thread on ganking after the last one 5 minutes ago ?


In Highsec, there will always be cases not covered by your list, above.

I, for one, would sometimes gank ‘on spec’, or to protect belt resources. Sometimes, to punish a miner who had been cheeky in Local. All sorts of reasons. Sometimes, too, just to keep my hand in. I like ganking, and it is legal fun.

The fact is, whatever you’re doing (bar being docked in station), you can be ganked. That’s the beauty of it. Not easy to cover in a tutorial for new players.

Uninstalling the game is always an option, and can be initiated at any time during your EVE journey. EVE is flexible like that.


Open any thread about ganking and you will find at least 50 helpful posts that tell you how to avoid the ambushes. Take the time to read them.
The Devs are busy with exciting important updates and expansions for the future of EvE Online. They don’t have time to accommodate your lack of skills or comprehension.


Why would someone who’s sole experience of the game thus far is the loss of 4 Algos in lowsec even care about ganking ? Why is it that none of those so eager to discuss ganking here have ever actually been ganked, or do not have the honesty to admit alts on which it happened ?

It just seems to me we have yet another case of Ganker Obsession Disorder from some bored person who gave up on the game after losing 4 ships and who wants to appear relevant as they haven’t actually undocked in months.

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There are modules: tank modules, counter jamming modules and cloaking modules and hulls and skills giving bonuses to said modules.

It’s obvious you should rather try to survive long enough to escape gank camp than to fight it. No? :thinking:


As long as you NPC’s keep batting at the catnip mouse instead of walking the other way, there will be a bait thread every five minutes.

You have only yourselves to blame for this mess.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


another useless “CCP dont add stuff for lazy ppl” thread …

you only need 1 thing ! and this is not a module → its skill ! if you have it then you can avoid 99.9% of all ganks ! if you dont have it then … pls die quietly !

read the forum and you will see thousends of posts where ppl say how you avoid ganking !


Another kitten chasing the laser dot.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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There should be a tutorial for how to avoid gank as part of the NPE, it also creates awareness of the issue which in itself is helpful

Why not a tutorial on how to gank?


Exactly, if anything, so tutorial for both sides.

Big part of the problem is people dont know they can get ganked. The tutorial will help create awareness.

A tutorial for how to gank does not seem to be constructive. But why not.

How and who? It’s EVERYWHERE in the documentation.

Ah, that sounds a bit like the ‘they attacked us first’ infamous border dispute so commonly used by dictators.

@CCP_Swift happy to outline for you some simple scenarios by which the New Player Experience might help teach new players how to gank and get some heroic wins against old bitter vet mining bears - feel free to put me in touch with the NPE team and we can work on this together!


Aiko, you crack me up every damn time!


They are both the same video tutorial. Obviously both of you don’t search YouTube well enough.

@Dchill do we really need to sum it up? There are several forms of ganking which are you referencing here?

Gate Camping - Sitting on one or both sides of a gate waiting for a valuable ship.
Suicide Gank - Robbing huge freighters in high security for high risk profits. @Aiko_Danuja you will really like 4:20 on this vid. o7
Smart Warp Bombing - Sitting mid path between gates bombing ships out of warp.

My point is there are TONS of these videos made, some are old and others are new. You either keep up to date on your knowledge or you will fall behind. Ganking ( robbing or ambushing ) unarmed vessels is just part of the experience. Yes, gankers are annoying, but try to remember it is only a game.

Have fun!