A professional rant about isk sinks

No it would not, that’s what I am saying. People would farm one week at a position, then jump to another and farm one week at this other position. replace week by day if you want. Just because they can. Of course I talk about people who are responsible of the bounty increase (the 5% in supercap) because ratter who are in their wh/ ls space would have to deal with it and the gap between the two would become bigger even.
Those 5% people already know they must not stay on same system else they will get dreaddunked.

Won’t work: neighbors will overfarm their own space too.

Yet that is exactly the thing. They would you are right. Which means they would need more space than usual depending on the respawn rates of the systems. You make this regen rate low enough and they simply cannot and most take more systems from others or do the other isk making activities available to them in those systems or really just both. Making systems, especially military levels drop much faster and gain slower at the higher levels would help too.

Eventually in large farmed areas you would get a lower carrying capacity as well as a slightly lower isk/hr with all systems being utilized. If all systems are utilized in a constellation or region this would mean less bubbles, more travel, more activity, slower responses per system and a much more lively and way more friction between players, read renters/pets and holders, in order to maximize space. Renting single systems would be untenable and therefore break most standard rental standards we have had in Eve for the last decade or more. As renters need to move around or be satisfied with less, as holders need more space to farm large amounts of isk, it becomes easier to upset people and cause conflict. More people looking for “liebensraum” from neighbors means more people getting invaded, more NIPs being broken or infringed on.

If players refused to simply move around as some dont then they would simply gain fewer rewards. Changing isk/hr of each system from bounties to relics/data/explo to mining to PI but keeping the overall isk/hr the same per system. Would mean you either move, do something else which would mean less raw isk in the system but the same general “income”.

By creating these two dynamic systems the amount of raw isk would be able to be changed internally by CCP simply by changing the regen rate of each system for bounties vs any other isk making venture within a system. Much like the Fed Reserve or Central Bank of printing more cash or taking money out of the system itself. Atm we have deflation due to the increase in goods versus raw isk but that doesnt mean there is less isk being made, just more goods and materials. By forcing a dynamic system the overall threshold can be lowered of isk/hr/system entirely and then constantly rebalanced simply by the isk vs raw materials vs regen.
All of these metrics CCP has internally available to them. We as players would simply understand that dynamic system over time and not necessarily need to know the actual numbers.

Atm CCP does this through gross movements by patches, changes, nerfs and buffs. These would create finer movements behind the scenes that could be gamed less and planed for less due to the internal nature of the changes. But still allow for the gross changes come patch day.

@March_rabbit then everyone gets less. Also if tags/chips or other loot is added to make up for a large portion of the value then you could also go raid your neighbors farms and steal their cattle, women and gold.

Admit it the Viking in you smiled. :smiling_imp:

no, this is false. there is no reason for this to happen this way.

you dont get it.
THEY WOULD NOT CARE AT ALL. they actually have already all the space they need.
it would change nothing for them.

HOWEVER it would ruin the life of the other people
so what you are proposing is pissing everybody that can’t afford to switch system frequently and let people cap ratting fine. which is exactly the opposite of what CCP wants to do.

Also, you are completely wrong, right now there is INFLATION because of raw isk generationvs material(especially plex) production.

Why not remove PI from the game? Instead, move the comodity portion of fuel back to NPC sale orders. This would kill a few birds with one stone.
It removes a passive income source, introduces a CCP controllable ISK sink, and it would theoretically impact null sec more than other regions because they should have more/larger structures.

because people (like me) made alts dedicated solely to pi.

They would have to reimburse the time/money invested in those alts (that is, 3 months per toon and the implants in my case)

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Actually its you that are incorrect here. What it would do is lower the bounties for those super ratters over time. It would also force them to be more spread out and once the systems isk/hr for bounties goes to other activities it means getting out of supers to do other activities they likely wont do for isk/hr. The other factor of moving most of the wealth from raw isk production to other looted items means slower wealth creation due to slower looting and salvaging after a site is run to actually get the value itself or risk losing it to thieves or simply tossing it away by not collecting it rather than the current formula of shooting rat and receiving bounties in wallet.

It would not screw over smaller players unless you are also “small” and “super” ratting at a considerable pace. Aka not small.

As for the inflation it is not true there is deflation atm as there is more materials being produced by people than there is isk, You really need to read the economic reports more carefully due to the rorquals mining far more atm.

This is one of the metrics specifically that CCP is going after to balance in the long run.

THIS is false. there is no way you know what will happen. so you can make prediction, but making prediction with no modeling is meaningless.
I say there is the case where people who can’t afford to move system get more impacted that people who can. I dont even need to prove it, it is trivial. you can’t even tell me it is false.
Then I told you that for people with supercaps, changing system is very easy. so definitely they are less impacted.

also for economical reports. you are wrong.
here is the last report :

it clearly shows that production increases less than isk generation during may. This is inflation.

So please, back your facts.
And prove what you think is logical, because it is not.
I definitely agree that if supercap alliances were limited by space this would be a good solution. But they are not. here is a fact :

80 systems for goons
they would not mind having to switch system every day. They can do it for 80 days so unless the system makes more than 80days to restore they would not care at all.
PL has 50 systems, PH 30 so together they also have 80 systems.

your assumptions do not hold. I have been telling you from the first post. Now I’m tired at you not being willing to read and repeating the same false thing again.

I would agree on sp and implants, but not time. You made money in that time, and all the time after, so they have paid for themselves.

And if you have made alts sole for PI, which many people have, that means it should generate a large isk sink.

however you can’t decide for me what is and is not correct and you can’t asume that my alts made more money than they cost.

If I sell you a car and after a year (or a month) I take it back saying you made more money using the car to get to your job you will think I am an azzhole an a thief . That is exactly what I am thinking of you right now. you are not allowed to rob me off my investment.

And I dont get what you mean as an isk sink. I only use my pi alts to make a little bit of products (robotics, targeting systems), they don’t cost me money besides the initial planet.

Right now PI is fairly ISK Neutral, you pay fees and taxes, but for the most part all they ISK you make comes from players. If you make the comodities made by PI as NPC sold items only, then when they are purchased to make fuel, the ISK is removed from the game, i.e. an ISK sink.

And as for your analogy, it would be more like;
I offer you a job, you train for the job and buy special tools for that job. Then after a few years I replace you with a robot. I could be nice and offer to buy your tools and pay for you education, but I don’t need to pay you for the years of work you put in because you already earned money during that time.

that I totally understand, however I don’t see how it is related to “And if you have made alts sole for PI, which many people have, that means it should generate a large isk sink.”

BTW in case you you didnt know PI prices are mostly deduced by offer and production (and difficulty to produce) so removing PI would have great effect on the market.

for analogy : I am paying CCP not the opposite. your comparison is totally irrelevant.
I PAID for those toons. if you remove them you are robbing me and I will sue you.

you can’t just throw comparison in the air and say “it is the same”

Money is never in “constant overall quantity”, though. Viewing money as a limited resource shared amongst a player base is detrimental, I believe. I can foresee there being a lack of drive to make more and more money because it will eventually put you on the radar screen to have your wealth slowly redistributed elsewhere by any number of means dictated as appropriate.

what do you mean ? in real life ? I never said it was. I say if you want to stop inflation that’s a way to do it.

Gotta hate those sinks :x

I understand. And yeah, my first thought was about where it would lead if a person or a group began acting out the belief that money was a limited resource. But yes, I’m sure treating it as thus would have a positive impact on putting the brakes on inflation. Will be interesting to see how CCP moves forward.

First, a long time ago there was no “POS Fuel”, instead you would place all the products that make up Fuel into a POS seperately. The fuel items that were not ice products were purchased from NPC. That makes it an ISK Sink, you spent ISK and it is removed from the game. CCP in their infinite wisdom decided that players should make everything, therefore the products were removed from NPC sales orders and were replaced with PI. The problem is that they removed and ISK sink, and made it an ISK neutral transaction, i.e. ISK changes hands, but never leaves the game.

If you remove PI and replace the products with NPC items, like they use to be, the fuel itself could stay the same price, but part of the ISK spent on fuel would be removed from the game. That amount would equal roughly the income made by all PI earned across the game, which is a large sum of ISK.

And as for the stealing, once you pay CCP for access to the game you no longer own it or any of the digital stuff you bought with it. The precedence of removing skills and items and reimbursing players is already part of Eve. And you are not loosing anything but a potential profession, your SP would be reimbursed and your assets would be liquidated and ISK paid out. The closest you could claim to being robbed is insisting that you only made the characters for the purpose of PI and if PI was never part of Eve you would never had spent the money.

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Actually again you are incorrect. The reason that it wont impact smaller people is this. If you have say 20 anoms per system you can have 20 people running all 20, we can call this the carrying capacity of the system. If, under a dynamic, system this amount changes from 20 to 15 over time that means now only 15 can, then to 10, then say to 5. All the while more mining, explo or PI becomes available. Something that will make up for and keep the system fairly steady in terms of isk but entirely different in terms of wealth and therefore ISK generation. It would automatically change wealth generation from raw isk through bounties to other things. IF they wish to continue ratting in their supers they MUST change systems. This means they must have more, either because they have them or because they can take them.

Smaller groups NOT mass running with supers/carriers bling boats blitzing will NOT be effected simply because you dont need that many anoms to begin with and therefore you can run longer without reaching your lower limits for carrying capacity. Also smaller groups are, imo, generally more resilient and do more things self sufficiently anyway and therefore will switch to other activities more readily. Even you yourself would benefit as you mentioned you did PI. So you would gain more in certain areas while losing in others.

This would create a 4 point graph. Your standard graph is X,Y btw. With a system bubble, or ring denoting the entire systems isk/hr value with each of the 4 sides effectively pulling or pushing on the bubble to create a dynamic system. Only shrinking or growing the bubble itself will change the isk/hr of the system while moving it around from one area of the 4 to another simply moves it around dynamically. No model needed here.

As for the last Economic report that is fine it shows that CCP has gotten what I have been stating into better margins but is not the overall trend since pre ascension. So shall we pull out the months before previously for about 6-12 months and talk about longer term trends as I have been? I can pull out one month of housing reports that say housing is up while the entire year is a downward trend too.:weary:

So you take the biggest alliance in the game as your benchmark regarding how many systems they can utilize and then try to call me a liar? Interesting. But remember this Goons, with their 89 systems technically have only how many systems per capita? 316 players per system. This is extremely high and even if you knock a rough half to 60% off for “alts” this is still around 150 per system. So please do compare roughly carrying capacities of systems. It would help a lot better than simply raw systems. Because carrying capacity is a much better metric here.

So someone like Goons is going to have to either do everything in system to earn the same isk/hr, activities which will slow down the isk inject and quite literally change raw isk from bounties into other goods and materials as CCP, internally, wishes it to be at any time. By having a dynamic system they would never be able to move enough with this many players and would be forced to attack neighbors, or leave systems fallow to regen. And I am certain these conditions would cause a lot of people to step on each others toes. Both internally and externally amoung alliances.

By changing the way systems are farmed would simply mean that you would need to change activities. Something CCP changed severely a few weeks ago with the Ore anom respawn rates.

In the real world large corporations mine for gold and buy huge claims to work and mine. Eventually the gold runs out, but really it doesnt. It just becomes economically unfeasible for such a large company with huge overhead and infrastructure to work profitably. Often these claims and land are sold to smaller companies with fewer employees, less overhead and they can run a successful smaller gold mine for many years until you reach a point where even they cannot turn a profit off the gold thats there. But even at that point there is still technically gold in the land.

What I have suggested would effectively drive up the cost, in terms of manhours or SP for various activities, to effectively utilize the system itself. Something only CCP will have any metrics or information on allowing them internally to change anything at anytime. Players would get used to the dynamic value changes to bounties and therefore raw isk. Some days you would get more others less and if you farmed too much that well would run dry but the other wells on the property would still be producing, even overproducing.

This does NOTHING to change the effective value per system in terms of isk/hr or total isk per system. Only moves it around from raw isk to resources of 4 different areas of the eve economy in one system. You wont earn less per day unless you refuse to not do anything else with your farming BUT that one activity. And then you would soon run into that carrying capacity of the activity. Something we do NOT have atm. CCP started to lessen this with the Ore anom timers. But the bounties from anoms themselves keep churning out and the last time CCP increased them quite a few years ago was the last time that any significant change was made to spawn numbers or values.

That, too, is completely ignoring the problem, because people will just use a knife. the problem aren’t blades, but people who have the desires to use them. remove the blades and they will find something else to cut themselves with.

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