Agartha Forgeries AU TZ WH (C4 3/5) pvpve AUSSIES we hear your pain

As all my fellow Aussies can attest, finding a corporation in the AUTZ that suits you is hard. These phrases might sound familiar:

  • “I always end up the lone ranger”
  • “They said they were autz but they were really just ustz”
  • “You can start up our autz wing”

We’ve all heard of these before, and frankly it isnt good enough. So we decided to do our own thing. Autz FOCUSED.

We are an Aggressive PVP first wormhole corporation. We aren’t super big, but we are big enough to have a presence and engage in fun fights around our timezone.

Agartha Forgeries lives in a C4 with a C3/5 statics; we offer

  • Dudes to fly with in the AUTZ (05 to 11 Eve time)
  • PVP content in the AUTZ
  • Structured small gang backed by our small gang SRP
  • C5 Ratting fleets to help make money
  • C3 Bait fleets to earn you isk and get PVP
  • Unique PVP opportunities

What would make you an outstanding fit:

  • Leave your ego at the door
  • No snowflake mentality
  • Willingness to undock and learn
  • A Drive to take up a purposful position in our corporation

Want to make isk, feel purposeful AND do something cool? Discord

Aussie Aussie!

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