Aiko Is One of CCP's Employees

I have no proof of it ( of course, they know how to suppress pertinent information ) but I have a strong hunch about it and my hunches have saved my platoon on numerous occasions in the past so I trust my gut feelings as much as I trust my mother.

Aiko started posting in this thread Suggestion:coming up with a new mode to make pvp popular
and Vaedil and I started truth-bombing on that thread about Aiko’s extortion operation and how people with low IQ resort to crime, even on a video game which is pathetic beyond belief.
Wouldn’t you know not even ten minutes later a moderator not only locked the thread but deleted the comments on Aiko. I mean that guy swooped in on the thread and nuked it back to the stone age! LOL!
Coincidence? I think NOT.

Aiko is someone at CCP and the locking of this thread, instead of leaving it open for discussion, will further prove that.

Moderator… anytime now.


It is clear to me now that EVE isn’t a Sandbox. CCP has its dirty hands all over that game, covertly influencing corporations to get into war and helping criminal organizations like CODE to mess with players.
Enjoy your fake Sanbox guys.
The only way to win at EVE is to not play.


First Reply. This section will be Fun

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It won’t be fun for long unfortunately. Any thread or comment that touches on CCP and is too close to the truth is locked and deleted.

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This topic belongs in the Tinfoil Conspiracy subforum.

Also, @Aiko_Danuja, for her enjoyment.


Seems more likely that since you broke the forum guidelines, the posts were moderated.

Of the possibilities - mods doing moderation, or Aiko is a CCP employee, which is the more sensible?

But this thread should be fun until it’s also closed for breaking the guidelines.


Yep, that’s exactly what they want you to believe. The “forum guidelines” is a strong alibi to shut people up.

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You should have seen it in the past.

There were times on the old forum where nearly every thread in general discussion was locked.

You’re one of Aiko’s many Alts so your words mean nothing.

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I don’t live in the past.

Looks like it was cleaned up and moved to a different board.

Just doomed to repeat it :slight_smile:

Nope. It was locked and all true comments on Aiko were deleted. I know, I was there when it happened.

Do you have any other comments but platitudes and clichés?

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Looks pretty unlocked to me


I’m not going to take a side on this one.

I’ll just say that there is clear bias in the moderation here and leave it at that.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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That’s is designed to make this thread look like tinfoil thread.
I know what happened, I was there.

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Maybe this one:


Anyways, enjoy this thread guys :smiley: At least it’s more fun than EVE Online.

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I have a big breakfast to make.
So long everyone o7