The Alliance Tournament XX has concluded, I hope you all enjoyed watching it and were rooting for us! Our team Till Dronesday has got 16st place and has won some unique prize ships, a couple of which we are happy to offer for pre-orders in case you wish to support our team in particular:
Sidewinder - 200B
Cobra - 250B
In-game mail Jobless Machariel or Unnamed Frozenheart or Les Routiers (better Unnamed or Routier, as I rarely check eve mail)
Or here in this topic.
Hope you all have a fantastic day!
P.S. Pythons have all been pre-ordered at 2T, but in case something gets cancelled I will update the topic shortly after release day.
CONCORD Victory SKIN - Some people reached out about purchasing the skins. After discussing with the team and taking all the factors into consideration, the main one being SKINR not supporting skin creation for Concord ships, we agreed on a price of 18B for the skins, which are now also available for preorders.