WTS ATXX Cobra, Sidewinder, and Python by Ragequit Cancel Sub

We, the ATXX 4th place finishers Ragequit Cancel Sub, hope you enjoyed the tournament and our colorful Vindicator flag as much as we did. Now, you have the unique opportunity to support us, by buying the ships we won!

Prices are:

SOLD Sidewinder - 200B
SOLD Cobra - 250B
SOLD Python - Auction only, see the other post: start at 1200B, buyout for 2024B; auction ends on release day at 23:59 EVE.

Please contact:

Loudyus/ rain06475 (Discord)
De BuG/ vert84 (Discord)

Thank you for your interest and have a great day!

Our Python auction will close in roughly 7 hours.

i think 3T is normal

You mean 5 T? xD

I would offer 1 T though.

Everything has been reserved or sold out!

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