WTA ATXX Python by Ragequit Cancel Sub

We are auctioning a single Python, the ATXX prize ship. Please only reply with bids or questions regarding the item. The rules for auctions in this forum can be found here.

  • Starting/minimum bid: 1200B
  • Minimum bid increment: 50B
  • Closing date and time: ATXX Ships Release Day, 23:59 EVE
  • Buyout price: 2024B
  • Item Location: Jita 4-4

Please contact Loudyus/ rain06475 (Discord) or leave a message below, if you have questions.

Thank you for your interest, and happy bidding!

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Ships are currently being delivered. This auction closes in less than 8 hours!

800b offer

700 B offer .

850b offer

closed, Python sold