Amarr FW/Sov Null - Ishikara Mechatronic Systems

Ishikara Mechatronic Systems is the recruitment corporation for the D3ad End alliance.

US Time Zone & Alpha Friendly

In-Game Channel: D3ad End Recruitment

What we offer:
►Amarr Faction Warfare
►Weekly FW Fleets
►Low FW Tax Rate (5%)

What the Alliance Offers:
►Sov Null Space
►Null PVP Fleets
►Alliance Buyback
►Fleet PVP & Mining Barge SRP

What we require:
►Discord & Mic
►Auth (Null Access Only)
►Teamspeak (Null Access Only)

Join our Discord: Ishikara Mechatronic Systems

FW Fleet today at 23:00 Eve time. New recruits welcome!

Three new recruits today. More still welcome!

More members needed to defeat the minmatar menace! Regular Saturday FW fleet tomorrow at 23:00 Eve time.

Fleet went well among many kills we had this great fight.

Another Fleet today at 23:00 Eve time. Join Ishi Today!

Next fleet this Wednesday at 23:00 Eve time! Join now to take part. :slight_smile:

Fleet starting in about 40 mins! Come join us in faction warfare.

Saturday fleet went well. Two fights and many kills. Very isk positive. Recruitment always open!