Angry Raccoons is Recruiting


Angry Raccoons is Recruiting!

We are a PvP focused group dedicated to living in sov null with little to no blues. We are primarily AU and US TZs and looking for other corps that fall into those timezones.

What we offer:

  • A community of PVP focused players
  • Experienced content creators
  • A range of different fleet styles and tactics
  • Local and wormhole content
  • Small – Medium scale fleets
  • A fresh alliance with big goals

We are looking for corps that are/have:

  • PVP focused
  • Corps with their own content creators
  • English speaking leaderships
  • Some level of experience in 0.0 fleets or willing to learn
  • Capital alts preferred (Not mandatory)

If the above is of interest to you, head over to our corp discord and drop a message:

Fly Dangerous

Angry Raccoons is still recruiting, drop us a message if you’re interested.

We are still open for recruiting

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