How about ‘any’? Have some damned patience. I know observation over time doesn’t result in flashy headlines and things you can brag about, but patience would still be key. When these fleets are being entirely harmless (and yes, a few capsuleers moronically losing ships by aggressing or hauling around corpses still count as harmless) that is the time to simply sit back, relax, watch them and do nothing. Watch. See what their end-goal is. How is their patience? Perhaps you’ll even get to see them actually find whatever it is they’re looking for and see how they react to that. Maybe you can track them to wherever they came from or where they’re going next.
You keep mentioning those few weeks spent observing them in the past. I know someone who spent that long in a bloody snowdrift, just waiting for a momentary glimpse of an animal, recording it briefly and then going back home again very happy with the result. (Disclaimer, not literally laying in a snowdrift that long. They made a suitable little habitat and used remote surveillance and so on of course. Point about patience is still key here.)
I keep wondering what you guys feel you gain by killing those fleets on those gates. All you get, for all intents and purposes, is some crap loot. There’s no intel to be gained, there’s no new knowledge, and sitting still in Coercers exercising suicide gank tactics isn’t exactly something you gain any kind of piloting capability from. What is worth losing the opportunity to observe and potentially gain new information? What exactly is worth those lives thrown away at this ‘suicide gank’ event?
Doesn’t seem very random to me. From what I can tell, they kill over Entosis tech, corpses and in self-defense. We kill vastly greater numbers of traders, haulers and combat pilots alike all over New Eden in the span of five minutes, compared to what the Drifters manage through however long they spend scanning at the gates.
How about when they pose an actual credible threat to our nations? I mean, theoretically they’re capable of hitting very hard, as Jammies showed, and yet they demonstrably don’t do that anymore. They have clearly achieved what they wanted with those hits, and now show themselves content scanning gates and defending their toeholds.
Other capsuleers, baseliner pirates and hostile navies all pose vastly greater threats to our respective nations and demonstrably do vastly greater damage. Why aren’t you guys rushing CODE or Miniluv? Or Nancydotte/PL etc out in Providence and Amarr lowsec? Why aren’t you fighting off the various Navies conducting raids in our various nations? These things do - without even the slightest doubt - far more damage to baseliner and capsuleer assets than Drifters have done in their entire known co-existence with us. In every sec rated system, and some even in w-space.
You want me to consider the Drifters a credible threat? Well, when you show me that they’re doing anywhere near as much damage as we are already doing to each other, I’ll start considering adding them to the very long list of real and demonstrable threats to my people. Until then, there’s far worse preying upon them than these Drifters.
By now, you lot have killed more baseliners in your Coercer wrecks than the Drifters have.