Arsia Elkin for CSM 16!

I’ve already spoken to the Frontline system.

Real pvpers are anti-farmer by simply desiring to fight when the farmer does not. All you have to do is force the pvpers and farmers to be together. You do that by greatly lowering the number of systems able to be plexed.

If there was only 1 FW system available to be plexed and it was filled with pvpers, would a farmer be able to make any progress? No. Because the pvpers would run it off. With the Frontline system though there will be far more than one system to fight over but it should be far fewer than the number we have now.

You do that by greatly lowering the number of systems able to be plexed. LOL again the farmers can simply wait u out… if u making 100mil isk an hour in a t1 frig cost 10 mil or less… u should NOT be able to dictate when u warp out and when u fight… it should be unpredictable. Anyhow no point in debating… there are clearly self-interest at play here.

If there is a system at a timezone where there are farmers but no pvpers, well then yes a farmer in that timezone would be able to farm uncontested. None of your proposals change that either.

To be clear, no mechanic exists to my knowledge that totally prevents a farmer from making isk when no pvper is preset other than complete removal of the Plex capture reward.

With the Frontline system proposed, it enables us to keep the Plex completion reward, it helps pvpers find content, and it either prevents farming all together or at the very least adds competition among farmers.

Sorry for the many delays, but here is my interview!


someone is very confused, not very articulate… and takes a long time to communicate some very unclear and convoluted opinions.

I assume you mean me? :smiley:


good luck, your either number 2 or 3 for me but your on it :+1:


Sorry it’s so late, but I endorse Arsia Elkin for CSM 16!
(I’m the idiot from A Bad Show for Bad People).


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