Premier Shadow Cartel PVP Corp looking for experienced PVP’ers in ALL TZ’s!


We are a veteran group of players within Lowsec searching for players with refined PVP skillsets! We engage in Medium to Large scale fights often involving expensive Capitals as well as Nano small gang as a corp. We also have players solo PVP’ing on the regular. NOTE: WE PLAY IN ALL SECURITY SPACES!!! Our ever-evolving mission is to maintain a skilled PVP group within Eve Online, while also adding to the fun and dynamic culture of our online gaming community.


We currently PVP in all security spaces in the game, however, as members of Shadow Cartel, the primary focus of the Alliance is Lowsec PVP. We offer: small gang, medium and large scale PVP on the regular as well as a shitload of Blops fleets. We provide subsidy and incentive programs to get everyone fielding as many expensive dreads as possible, as well as Alliance SRP programs and Logistics services. IQ300 is proud to also mentor a few select ‘developing’ PVP’ers and help pilots improve their PVP game rapidly.


-Minimum SP requirements: 50 Million SP (flexible) with one Capital Alt (Fax/Dread preferred). Additional alts and multiboxing capabilities are an asset. (If you are only about Solo/smallgang PVP depending on skillset we may be willing to wave cap requirements).

-We are looking for intelligent life forms who look to add to the culture and group dynamics of IQ300. We also enjoy words, so if you don’t, please skip the application process!

Check out our Discord: IQ300

Corporation Killboard: Banana-Republic. | Corporation | zKillboard

In-game Pub Channel: Banana-Republic.

Hello! I’m a part of this corp, if you happen to be primarily a PvE player like me (especially if you like to do mining, exploration, gas huffing, or even just standard L5 missions) then we absolutely want these as well! Every little bit of industrial power helps!

Want to shoot spaceships? Have an ever present blue timer? Wonder how you will be able to replace all the ammo you’ve been pumping into your enemies? Join IQ300 and discover the secret to everlasting youth… or sorry, wrong script… Come have fun and wreck nerds in Banana-Republic

Used with the expressed telepathic consent of toons not associated with this image

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