Battle Toad Briage - Try Not to Croak

Battle Toad Brigade is apart of the Ribbit. Alliance. We are looking for active pvp pilots who are interested in refining and learning new skills that are focused around PVP.

The Ribbit. alliance houses, the frog Pond, which is a newbro focused corporation and as such our fleets are a mix of all different levels of pilot skill.

Alliance KB:
Corporation KB:

What we can offer you:

Small - Medium gang PvP

Black Ops


Experienced FCs

Access to game knowledge
(indy, PvE, PvP)

What BattleToads is looking for:

Active Pilots


15 million skill Points (Combat focused) Exceptions May be Made

Discord, and TS3 on a less common basis.

Willingness to grow and develop new or existing skills

Please Join the Frog Pond Discord and say Hi.

Stop by and say hi, we’re a friendly bunch of tadpoles, frogs, and toads

Yet another system turns green, come join the Battletoads and protect the tadpoles of the pond

Looking for active PvP pilots, from the smallest tadpole to the thickest skinned toad

Hippity hoppity we’re coming for your property

Still Croaking along

Come join galmil’s most active Eu alliance

Come Join the Battletoads, We’ve retaken our birth system from the Squid menace.

Still looking for bloodthirsty frogs