Have you considered a WH corp with a null static? Pretty close to what remains of a pirate like lifestyle, raiding the nullsec areas that get rolled into, plenty of nano action with the odd more doctrine like fleets when needed.
Dont really have the play time for wormholes sadly.
Send me an eve mail please
Join our discord and we’ll have a chat!
Waiting for you to jump on our discord and we’ll have a chat
If you’re looking for a place with limited blues where we know real life comes first and we want you to have fun enjoying your game come have a chat with us in WiBrn Public or you can message me on discord if you want psaiwinenothu.
We are a newer corp looking for more pvpers and people to have a fun chill time with. We are a pvp family that plays not just eve but other games as well. We are a mixture of EU, US, and AUTZ with FC leadership. Real life always comes first. My goal is to create a pvp family not just a corp of people. If you’re interested I would love to have a chat!
Sorry been away alot over Christmas
Ok perfect i will take a look thanks!
We are apart of Of Blood Drive Alliance that holds sov in Cloud Ring, subsequently apart of the Phoenix Coalition. Were all vets here. its laid back and were on ustz evenings.
Convo Darkrune Eastblue or Blue Lee. we would welcome you and deliver the experience that you are looking for. We all play on our own time so real life does come first and foremost. I believe you would find what your looking for with us.
Hope you had a good one!
Ok thanks i will take a look.
Well look forward speaking with you
Im in your Public channel