o7 Capsuleers!
I am currently looking for people who like to have a good time, don’t cause drama and are team players. (Recommended Age 21+).
Contact: Beans On Low Heat [BOLH]
Email: BOLHCorp@Gmail.com
My BOLH Corporation (zKillmail Link) on its own is small. But are and have been a part of something much bigger for over a year.
Located in Null Sec, and both support and supported by Blue Sun Interstellar Technologies Alliance [BS IT] (zKillmail).
The Requirements:
- Must be 18+ years old.
- Willing and able to use TeamSpeak3
- Willing and able to use Discord
- In good standing with our Affiliates
- Willing and able to join fleet ops.
- Must be able to fly interceptor (or at least dedicated to train into one)
More of the same information can be found here: