Seeking Returning Players, Vets and Newbs. We are a group of veterans from big bloc warfare who have rebanded after a long hiatus. We have decades of experience in capital industry, pvp, and logistics between us. We are seeking a wide range of individuals to get in on the ground floor of our corp rebuild. We need heavy industry, fleet commanders, logistics, miners, pvp’ers and pvers to solidify a balanced corp.
Our Corp Offers
- Multiple weekly large mining fleets (Moon Goo and More)
- Daily PVE Fleets ( Turbo ratting and more)
- Many Active EU/US TZ folks to hang and chat with.
- Industry & Isk making guidance
- Welcoming of all sorts of stray nerds
- Endgame training for all Nullsec content
- Helpful corpmates to get you started in region
- Multiboxers Welcome !
Our Alliance Offers
- SRP & Access to our doctrines
- Muiltiple offensive fleets daily
- Active defense fleets as needed
- Excellent FC leadership
- Ship handouts
- O-Mist Access
- Upgraded Structure Access
- Moon Mining
- Active players in all TZ
- Frieghter service from all major hubs to our staging systems
- Greater than 10m sp ( main character )
- 6 hours Gaming per week any content
- Must auth w/ alliance’s and have access to mumble + working mic
- Must be respectful to:
* Corpmates with various backgrounds
* Female pilots
* LGBTQ Pilots - VC Interview with Nauko Altra
Join the Mist today & Help build our home in null sec
Join channel for more information
Stellar Masons Public Recruitment