Brand New Player Looking for some friends to learn from

Hello Skipple,

Welcome to the game!
Nice to know that you are enjoying it so far.

I am currently in the process of creating a player government. Look here-- > Roleplaying player made lore based upon the eve lore stories & a player government to boot. Recruiting!
You might find it interesting.

We are new player friendly and will help you out to learn more about the game. We are not big atm but that is just because we are in the process of being formed.

I can recommend you two corporations if you are not interested in mine. One of them have allready made themselves visible here on this post - Critical mass Ink.
Then we got a teaching orginisation called: Eve University.
The uni is a good place to learn, but you have to put in the effort to do so.

I hope that helped you out just a little, if you encounter any problems or questions popp up - ask the community. They will gladly help you out.

With kind regards

// Tryme Trymsson