Are you a miner? An Explorer? Someone interested in wormholes?
Or maybe you prefer the hot rush that comes from defeating a careless opponent in one-on-one combat.
If any of those things sound applealing, then we have a home for you! CFOA is a growing corporation based out of a C4 wormhole, taking part in a broad spectrum of activities.
What we offer:
-Active leadership with a wealth of experience and a passion all areas of EVE.
-Highsec and wormhole HQ’s for miners, pve, and pvp pilots
-Incentives and skill plans for newbros to help get them into the ships they want to fly
-SRP for doctrine fits during corp operations
What we require:
-Dedication and loyalty from our pilots
-Omega Account Status
If you have any questions or comments, drop into our in game public channel “CFOA Diplo / Recruitment” and an officer will be happy to help you out as best they can.