Calibrated Chaos: Lowsec FW PVP

Calibrated Chaos is recruiting new and old players to join in Amarr faction warfare and lowsec PVP!

  • 500k SP requirement

  • Experienced corporate leadership

  • Objective based PVP

  • Hauling Services

  • Boosted Discord

  • Daily Content U.S and EU TZ

Fly with purpose and control the chaos. Join Calibrated Chaos.

Still recruiting and active!

I’ll apply if your still recruiting

Ody’s a good FC and a good dude, solid corp.

L33T is still recruiting. Hit us up in game. Thanks!

L33T is still recruiting. Check us out in game

Recruiting new and old players for PVP

Still active! Recruiting.

We are still active and recruiting players.

Still Recruiting. Check us out.

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