Can anyone teach an old dog new tricks?


Sons of Luminaire is a new but exciting, forward-thinking, blue sky, outside the box, very cool and go-getter corporation based in the Black Rise region of low-sec. We are all European, so timezone won’t be an issue.

What we do is low-sec, faction warfare, pirate-filthery and PVP and not much else.

Typically I look for people who already have some PVP experience when it comes to recruitment-- but given you can fly a good variety of ships already, and likely have a good understanding of EVE mechanics in general (even if they’re not PVP mechanics), that we could work on getting you into PVP pretty rapidly.

We’re not really a training corp, but I think the best way to learn PVP is with a group of people who already have a pretty good understanding of it rather than being lost in a sea of other newbros. Of course, the onus then is on you to make sure you learn, and fast.

Hit me up on our Discord if you fancy talking about it more.

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