I am for sale http://eveboard.com/pilot/Tasman_Cabrillo
Mining Director 5 JDO/JDC/JFC 5 Mining Drone Spec 5 (Ice drones injected, not trained)
Capital Indy Ships 5 Capital Ships 5 Jump Freighter 5 Gallente Freighter 5 Transport Ships 5 Racial Industrial ships 5 T2 Triage
Main implant group HG Crystals 1-6 SM-705, SE-805 SP-905 Mining foreman mindlink
secondary Genolutions 1-4 EO-605 SM-705 SE-805 SP-905 Mining foreman mindlink
Tertiary +5 1-5 BX-802 Mining foreman mindlink
quaternary +5 1-5
Next remap 09-13-2017
Rorqual skins: Blood Raider Industrial Livery, Gallente Industrial Livery, Nocx Rush
Porpoise Amarr Industrial Livery
Astral Mining standings 8.17
and he has stupid amounts of research points. https://gyazo.com/c914bf16109e85313b7d9702c2bbac111
Positive sec status, in Jita, no killrights, positive wallet
Starting bid 80b … message me here or by evemail for buyout. No lowball offers, I’ve done the math