
Character is in NPC Corp, Eve skillboard just doesn’t have it updated. yet.

Ultra Focused Tengu Pilot // Level 4 mission runner

Positive Wallet Balance
Zero Kill Rights
No jump clones
+4 Implants (minus charisma)
No assets

6.26 Standings with Caldari Navy
+40k LP

Looking for 8.0b , no rush to sell. Offers less than 8b will be considered friendly bumps.

Edited: removed starting bid, changed to flat 8.0b sale

bid retracted

buyout is 8b thanks for the bid.

To the top.

8.0 b buyout for this awesome Tengu pilot.

I offer 6b

thanks but Dork Vadar already has a 6b bid in.

Daily bump

Looking for 8.0b , no rush to sell. Offers less than 8b will be considered friendly bumps.

I like this toon as very focused
6.25b ready, take this as friendly bump
If you could tell me tengu fitting perfect I will take him

Not selling for less than 8.0b .

Can’t go with 8b
Fir 8b I hoped to get alsos pvp pilot like falcon or basilisk or something else

Thanks but no thanks, will keep making tons of Isk/LP running missions while I wait for 8.0b

Account is plexed through July2 so sale will be up through then.

Train some skills 4 missiles and we’ll discuss the BO in July if there will be no other bidders m8

Cancelled… Cross-training for Gila

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