Ive said this same thing several times.
Battleships are countered effectively from both sides. Things like assault frigates can walk all over them and then capitals smother them almost completely unopposed.
Battleships miss the dynamic of being able to hit up a level (like frigates can do battleships) by utilizing a smaller sig to counter capital application. LR XL weapons can track subs at 250km, HAW track like battleships and fighters apply nearly perfectly to battleships. To compound this, very few battleships can actually fit a tank or do the damage needed to overwhelm a capital in the same scenario as a well piloted frigate could overwhelm a battleship.
Keep in mind, all battleships are not PvP fit, just like all capitals are not PvP fit. There are plenty of cases of an assault frigate warping in on a PvE battleship (or poorly fit PvP battleship) and actually beating it solo. There is almost no chance of you warping a battleship in solo against a capital and coming out on top. Youâll just be another tick and âwhat a strange NPCâ to a ratting carrier.
Should a battleship be able to solo a carrier or dread? Personally, i feel it should be possible. Certainly not easy or something anyone can do. But someone with good knowledge, fitting skills and a fit purposely designed to kill one should at least be on equal footing while being weak to other ships due to its specific fitting.
Yes, yes, i know, leshaks are a thing. In general though, 1 (potentially OP) battleship does not = all battleships being that way.
Fundamentally, i cant really think of a way to change this without an entire capital rework with actual goals that capitals can participate in, instead of their current, loosely based do everything roles.
Damage caps on structures i feel are a huge deterrant from capitals actually being desired for structure bashes (a role they should be perfect for). Which then forces them into these weird do everything else roles we are in.
Giving defined roles to capitals and fixing structure damage caps would help settle caps into their role. Which makes tweaking them and battleships easier.