Capital BPO Firesale, open to offers

All in hs a few jumps from Jita.

bpo me te price in billions
Astrahus Blueprint 7 14 5.5
Athanor Blueprint 7 12 5.5
Capital Cargo Bay Blueprint 10 18 2.2
Capital Clone Vat Bay Blueprint 10 20 3.5
Capital Computer System Blueprint 10 20 2.8
Capital Construction Parts Blueprint 10 20 2.3
Capital Corporate Hangar Bay Blueprint 10 18 3.1
Capital Drone Bay Blueprint 10 20 1.9
Capital Jump Drive Blueprint 10 20 2.3
Capital Launcher Hardpoint Blueprint 10 20 2
Capital Siege Array Blueprint 10 20 2.35
Capital Turret Hardpoint Blueprint 10 20 2.6
Cyclone Blueprint 10 20 0.82
Malleus I Blueprint 10 20 0.6
Mantis I Blueprint 10 20 0.6
Moros Blueprint 9 14 3.8
Ninazu Blueprint 7 12 2.9

Are they researched?

updated to better show price and relevant me/te.

I’ll take the Archon BPO at that price.

Please contract to me.

contract it to me when you get a chance.

Archon contracted. Im just waiting to free contract slots @bionik20

Bump. Buyer hasnt picked up archon so may relist.

Got it, sorry for the delay. Not at home for a couple days.

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all good mate



I’ll take the naga BPO.



Cyclops I Blueprint 10 20 0.6


Sorry bud. That last cyclops contract has sold publically by the looks:(

bumping, Put offers here and see how it goes.

how much for the bundle ?

Those are reduced prices already but i can do 23billion.

Contract it up please