Casual player LF high/low sec corp - Asia TZ

Hey @Arvin_Greywood

You interested in giving lowsec a try? We here at Filthy Peasants are a casual lowsec/0.0 pvp corp that lives in lowsec Solitude. We have no activity requirements and you can see from our killboard that we have many active pilots and we have some activity across most TZs. I will also be honest with you that the asia TZ is not very good for us at all and is probably our least active TZ. We’re mostly a US and AU TZ corp but we’re very active on weekends in particular as most of us are working adults.

If that doesn’t bother you we’re a welcoming bunch that likes to have fun with low drama. We like to help new players learn how to play the game and introduce pvp to those that haven’t tried. If you are willing to work with us by training for our doctrines and having the right ships at the right time we’ll gladly have you aboard :slight_smile:

We also have lots of PvE opportunities including high value moon mining and lowsec mission running which are much more valuable then most highsec PvE activities. (moons are easily 200mil/hour)

If you’re interested please mail or convo Arctanis or you can join our public channel Open Filth and have a chat with us.

Forum Post: Low Sec PvP - Filthy Peasants is recruiting