CCP's invisible hand!

I miss the days when everyone just had to comment on my sig with some snarky comment that had been written three times already in the same thread. That lack of mindless impotent rage these days makes me want to give it up. But I guess it’s a habit now.

It just feels wrong if I don’t sign every post.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

oh come on
i like the meta show
Mittens is adorable and brisc is a class act
the spinning is pure entertainment

You used to be able to leave an automated tag line at the bottom of your posts.

Hey, I understood that part! Finally, my world makes sense.

Oh, I find it fascinating and impressive. Unfortunately, the comment I was replying to was deleted, so the context of my post is now missing. And I don’t want to elaborate lest my post get deleted as well.

im with you ,sometimes they delet my best jokes
its hard to be funny
dont they understand? :angry:

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Whoa broken forums. One sec.

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А я все видел. :stuck_out_tongue:

Тогда буду вот так с ним говорить. Kто ще картошку его украл? Этот робот полностью с ума сошел. Скоро будет говорить об иллюминатах и ​​людях-ящерицах.

И обще не могу понять если он вонючий либерал или тупомозглый республиканец.

мс судьба иногда я думаю, что вы симпатичный японец вайфу, но ваш сумасшедший русский показывает


Спасибо. Наконец-то, есть над чем посмеяться. :+1:

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Русский или не по русский, но все равно могу вайфу быть:

А может и вот так?


I just finished 6 eggs due date today.

bruh I thought google translate broke and turned everything into russian

Congrats how about tomorrow due to the date when we see the date of the egg for the dire consequences of said date when eaten boil twice to eat the boat with the food

This thread is now about vodka and waifus, the two invisible hands that have guided me for my entire life.

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Given that about half of the thread is him ramble, it’s probably both. image

Never been to a Fanfest, I’m guessing. Trust me, brother. Compared to most EVE players, you are tiny.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Hey man don’t judge, COVID’s been rough.

:yum::pizza: :taco: :takeout_box: :cake: :beer: :drooling_face:

Are you saying EVE players are way taller than average or they’re heavier than average… and average for where?