[CERTIFIED MERCENARIES ✅ ] - The Marmite Collective - 😈

No doubt, that’s one of the reasons I love Eve. That Orca loss happened YEARS ago but I remember it like it was yesterday.

We had just finished with a mining op for ER and it was noted that we had a wardec, a friend offered to fly the Orca back home me and I said ‘nah I’ll be fine’ and went along my way. Half way, there they were, a blob of flashing red stars and I freaked out and started shaking. I uncloak and tried to burn it back to gate while typing ‘■■■■, ■■■■, ■■■■’ in Corp chat and all they did was shake their heads at me because I was flying an Orca during the wardec (should be noted that they even requested that I leave the Corp for the week if I was going to be out there for the ER op in that so I’d be safe, but again I was like ‘nah, I’ll be fine’). Few seconds later my Orca was gone. :smile:

I look back at it these days and remember how much if a newb I was in my early Eve days. Ah the memories. I love it and wouldn’t trade it. That steep learning curve is true stories. :ok_hand:

Much love!