Char is sold

I’m for sale

password - 1111

Nice standing for 4 lvl SoE missions - SoE corp - 9.65 (SoE faction - 3.94).
Tengu lvl 4, all subsystems lvl 5.
Has JC in Osmon.

Additionally has descended skills for Gallente Dreadnought, Gallente Freighter and Jump Freighter.

No kill rights, positive wallet, no remap available until 2018.07.15, positive SS (2.2), in NPC corp, located in Jita

I’ll pay transfer fee

Price 12B…

10.5b offered

Thanks for bid… Need little bit more…

I can do 10.75b but thats as high as i can go.

noted 10.75

12b b/o

12B accepted…waiting for ISK and account info

Will be online after about 10min.

account info and 12b isk sent

confirmed… starting transfer

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We are currently processing this transfer. The character you are transferring will remain on your account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes

Thanks for a deal! Safe fly!

Character recived! thanks for a quik deal and fly safe!

thanks for deal! o7

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