Wondering if someone could help me finish this arty fit.
Intended use is low sec, probes are there as backup, will be hunting ratters, mission/plex runners, miners, gate campers taking sentry fire, whatever is on scan… I’m a solo pilot so like to fly like a coward, hit and run style so escape ability is important.
I absolutely love artillerys, the shock factor when they halve someones health or just oneshot is so satisfying.
Arty also good for keeping range… some of the ratters around where I fly actually fit scrams and web and will call back-up immediately, I have been flying 10mn svipul or sometimes double sebo arty svipul.
On the following build for example I have left some slots empty wondering what is optimal to put in there. Such as the high slot, being arty fit I can’t think of anything useful really except a nuet just incase I get tackled… but fitting is tight, perhaps I should just leave it empty.
Thanks in advance, look forward to your ideas.
I also added an autocannons cloaky brawler build for feedback.
[Loki, artillery hunter]
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
[Empty Low slot]
Shadow Serpentis 100MN Afterburner
Warp Disruptor II
Stasis Webifier II
[Empty Med slot]
[Empty Med slot]
720mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP M
720mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP M
720mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP M
720mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP M
720mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP M
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher, Sisters Combat Scanner Probe
[Empty High slot]
Medium Ancillary Current Router II
[Empty Rig slot]
Medium Ancillary Current Router II
Loki Core - Immobility Drivers
Loki Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration
Loki Offensive - Projectile Scoping Array
Loki Propulsion - Intercalated Nanofibers
Hobgoblin II x5
[Loki, autocannons hunter]
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Dark Blood Power Diagnostic System
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Shadow Serpentis 100MN Afterburner
Pith X-Type Large Shield Booster
Thukker Large Cap Battery
Warp Scrambler II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher, Sisters Combat Scanner Probe
Medium Ghoul Compact Energy Nosferatu
Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I
Medium Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer II
Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II
Loki Core - Augmented Nuclear Reactor
Loki Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration
Loki Offensive - Projectile Scoping Array
Loki Propulsion - Wake Limiter
Hobgoblin II x5