Trimming down accounts, this farmer needs to go. Has already reverted to Republic Military School corp.
+3.7 Sec Stat, located in Jita. Has a Jclone in Jita with mid-grade Asklepians. Positive wallet, no kill rights, and ~60 permanent ship skins.
Multiple remaps ready. Solid skills for a Paladin: Yankee Foxes Skillboard || Eve Is ESI || A Third Party Eve Online App
Start bid 20 Bn ISK, end on Friday 24 June at 1800 EST. I reserve right to end early.
There seems to be a problem with your link. Please check it.
Yeah there seems to be an issue with the Eveisesi site. I am trying to get in touch with the dev now. Sorry for delay.
Update: Sort of fixed; attributes don’t show, but skills are in.
20.5bill offer
how is your standings,
have access to lvl 4 missions?
Just a hair off of level 4s, edited OP with another screencap.
Pending payment, will transfer to winner (Ki11-Shot) on receipt.
Please tell me the name of the character who will receive the ISK
I believe you have to send it to me. I’ll log in, transfer to main. Send an evemail too with the name of the account to transfer to.
Received ISK, character transfer initiated. Let me know when complete, I’ll close the thread. Thanks!
I send 22B to you, plz send back 1B
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