Looking to acquire 1x Women’s Sisters of EVE Analysis Coat.
EDIT: Currently offering 1B for the item. Open to negotiation.
Reply here, send a private message, or an in-game EVEmail. Thank you.
Looking to acquire 1x Women’s Sisters of EVE Analysis Coat.
EDIT: Currently offering 1B for the item. Open to negotiation.
Reply here, send a private message, or an in-game EVEmail. Thank you.
Nudge. Still seeking. Additional item info included for reference.
And another nudge for fun.
Still passively searching.
I happen to have one of these sitting in HS currently. I don’t personally use it anymore so wouldn’t mind selling it went ahead and made a contract for you! It’s in Dodixe
Accepted- thank you very much, Shelby! Very much appreciated.
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